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The Night: Contemporary Music

Contemporary Music Night #10 – Slowscan #3.
A two-weekly night on Concertzender with the third episode of a series of eight, dedicated to the Dutch Slowscan Label of Jan van Toorn, who publishes very special soundart documents on audiocassette and vinyl since 1983.

    Slowscan Volume 10. #2b.

1. Milan Knižák. Bossanova Suite (1990). 17:57
Milan Knižák: tapes, synthesizer, performance, voice.
Recorded at Radio Vienna, Austria, 1990.
AudioCassette: Slowscan 10B (200 copies)(1994)
  Slowscan Volume 10. #3.

1. Takehisa Kosugi. August 14 (1991). 32:00
Takehisa Kosugi: performance, tapes.
recorded in the artist’s former apartment in New York City.
2. Joe Jones. Solar Music Hot House (1988). 31:47
Joe Jones: performance.
recorded in Linz (Austria) for “Ars Electronica Festival” 1988.
AudioCassette: Slowscan 10C (200 copies)(1994)
    Slowscan Volume 10. #4.

1. Wolf Vostell. Le Cri (The Cry) (1990). 65:05
Wolf Vostell: performance.
recorded at Gallerie Lavignes, Bastille, Paris, France, 1990.
AudioCassette: Slowscan 10D (200 copies)(1994)
  Slowscan Volume 10. #5.

Al Hansen. 55:42
1. Al Hansen. Car Bibbe (1958/59). 6:21
recorded at Bonn Kunstverein Fluxus performance festival 1989.
2. Al Hansen. Balloni Brothers Balloon Work. 9:09
3. Al Hansen. Joseph Beuys Stuka Bomber Piece. 10:49
recorded at Galerie Kolon in 1989.
Al Hansen: performance, electronics.
4. Al Hansen / Jürgen Turje. The Futuristic Chattanooga Choo Choo In The Mongolian Desert. 13:11
Al Hansen, Janet Kramer: performance.
5. Al Hansen. I Opened The Top Button Of Her Jeans And Zipped Her Zipper Down. 1:57
Al Hansen: voice. Anonymous musician.
6. Al Hansen. Intermedia L.A. Roadside Streetwise Poetry. 2:43
7. Al Hansen. Venus Rap. 11:30
Al Hansen: performance, electronics.
AudioCassette: Slowscan 10E (200 copies)(1994)

    Slowscan Volume 10. #6.

Paul Sharits – Larry Miller – Marcel Alooco – Dietrich Albert. 1:33:33
1. Paul Shatits. The Existential Anguish Symphony (1991). 47:10
Paul Sharits: performance. Orchestra.
recorded at Big Orbit Gallery, Buffalo on November 9, 1991.
2. Larry Miller. Accord (Selections From The 2nd And 4th Movement) (1982). 13:07
Alfred van den Heuvel, Louwrien Wijers, Lárus Grimsson, Michael Waisvisz: instruments. Larry Miller: voice.
3. Marcel Alocco. Events pour Fluxus (1960/67/68): Musique – Events – Six evenements à consomner sur place. 13:07
Marcel Alocco: performance.
4. Dietrich Albrecht. Two Lines (1991) (excerpt). 10:55
Dietrich Albrecht: performance.
recorded on 27-12-1991 Stuttgart.
AudioCassette: Slowscan 10F (200 copies)(1994)

    Slowscan Volume 10. #7.

Short Pieces. 51:52
1. Eric Andersen. Untactics of Music (1988) (excerpt). 4:43
Eric Andersen: performance. Harmonie Des Cascades conducted by Laurent Breton.
an excerpt from a 5 hour performance recorded in the streets of Quebec City during the “Day of the music” by United Nations on October 1, 1988.
2. Carolee Schneemann. Mother Lexicon (1981) from Dirty Pictures. 6:50
Carolee Schneemann, Larry Miller, Laurence Warshaw, Mark Daniëls: performance.
3. Jean Dupuy. Elle Aimait Bien Les Frites, Marguerite (1977). 8:28
Jean Dupuy: performance.
recorded at Judson Church, New York 1977.
4. Ken Friedman. Melon Medley (1965). 3:17
Ken Friedman: performance, percussie.
5. Richard Maxfield. Pastoral Symphony (1960). 4:04
Richard Maxfield: electronics.
6. Dick Higgins. In Memoriam (1961). 8:16
7. Dick Higgins. Omnia Gallia (1980). 4:57
Dick Higgins: performance.
8. Mieko Shiomi. A Celestial Tune by 108 Glass Marbles (1991). 5:02
Mieko Shiomi: performance
9. Gustav Metzger. On The “Festival Of Misfits” (1992). 6:11
Gustav Metzger: performance.
recorded October 11th 1992 in ‘s-Hertogenbosch.
AudioCassette: Slowscan 10G (200 copies)(1994)

    Slowscan Volume 40. #1.

1. Albert M. Fine. Fear No Forks (3-4-65). Extended version. 4:39
Rianne Wilbers; sopraan. Guy Livingston: piano
7” part 1 of Wooden Box: Slowscan 40 (100 copies) 2018).


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