Vocal Jazz | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Vocal Jazz

sat 10 jul 2021 18:00 hour
Composer: Bob Dorough

The Lyrics of Fran Landesman


Spring Can Really Hang You Up The Most: Carmen McRae
Night People: June Christy
Ballad Of The Sad Young Men: Marijn Ouwehand
I’ve Never Been Anything: Irene Kral
There Are Days I Don’t Think Of You At All: Irene Kral
It Isn’t So Good, It Couldn’t Be Better: Tommy Wolf
Season In The Sun: Jeanne Lee
Down: Sarah Moule
In A New York Minute: Ian Shaw
Nothing Is Mine Now: Ian Shaw
Small Day Tomorrow: Dena DeRose/Sheila Jordan
Nothing Like You: Trudy Kerr
New Song: Bob Dorough

Produced by:
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