Unknown is Unloved? | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Unknown is Unloved?

sun 24 mar 2024 14:00 hour
Composer: Moritz Moszkowski

Moritz Moszkowski (1854-1925).
Part 8: Chamber music, Piano pieces, 1875

This episode will feature piano music by German-Polish composer Moritz Moszkowski.


  1. Conservatoristen-polka.
  2. Scherzo, opus 1.
  3. Albumblad, opus 2
  4. Capricco, opus 4.
  5. Fantasie, opus 5.
  6. Fantasie-Impromptu, opus 6
  7. 4 short piano pieces, opus 10.
Ian Hobson, piano



  1. Etincelles, op. 36
  2. Guitare, opus 45
  3. Serenade, opus 15
Nazrin Rashidova, violin and Daniel Grimwood, piano


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