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The Night: Contemporary Music

thu 18 nov 2021 02:00 hour

Contemporary Music Night #84 – Wandelweiser # 37.
The Eightyfourth two-weekly Contemporary Music Night on Concertzender with tonight Episode Thirty-Seven of a long series with all the published records of the Edition Wandelweiser label in chronological order from 1996 till now.

   Toby Roundell

Meditations on the Great O Antiphons (2020) Part 4-7
1. Toby Roundell. 4. O Clavis David. 29:34
2. Toby Roundell. 5. O Oriens. 18:28
3. Toby Roundell. 6. O Rex Gentium_Master_final. 18:50
4. Toby Roundell. 3. 7. O Emmanuel. 18:03
Irene Kurka: soprano.
CD: Edition Wandelweiser Records EWR 2107MP3
   Eva-Maria Houben

5. Eva-Maria Houben. 3 Trios (2018) Trio I-III. 4. 1:12:09
Carson Cooman: organ.
CD: Edition Wandelweiser Records EWR 2108
 Emmanuelle Waeckerlé

6. Emmanuelle Waeckerlé. Readwalking in le Puid (2020). 43:33
Marianne Schuppe: voice. Sefan Thut: violin.
7. Emmanuelle Waeckerlé. Readwalking in Thornton Heath (2002). 6:50
Emmanuelle Waeckerlé: voice.
8. Emmanuelle Waeckerlé. Readwalking in Haan (2020). 30:12
Antoine Beuger: harmonica, children glockenspiel, voice. Sylvia Alexandra Schimag: lyre, voice.
9. Emmanuelle Waeckerlé. Readwalking Remotely (2020). 31:32
Marie-Cécile Reber: field recording, electronics. Emmanuelle Waeckerlé: voice.
CD: Edition Wandelweiser Records EWR 2109-10
   Eli Neuman-Hammond

Carnival’s Quarrel with Lent (2020) I-III
11. Eli Neuman-Hammond. 1. Glissando I. 9:05
12. Eli Neuman-Hammond. 2. Quintet I. 8:11
13. Eli Neuman-Hammond. 3. Quintet II. 8:26
Eli Neuman-Hammond, Ella Heron, Sophia O’Brien-Udry, Story Ponvert, Matthew Tuggle: slide whistles.
CD: Edition Wandelweiser Records EWR 2111
All further information can be found on

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