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The Night: Contemporary Music

Contemporary Music Night #71 – Edition Telemark #8.
The two-weekly Contemporary Music Night on Concertzender with tonight the Eight and last of an Eight episode series with all the published vinyl records of the Edition Telemark label, run by Alexander Meyer. You will hear a lot of Sound Art recordings in chronological order from medio 2013 till now.

   Stefan Fricke & Alper Maral | Am Grabe. Ein Audio-Ritual

1. Part B. 27:43
2. Part C. 27:27
3. Part D. 28:54
Stefan Fricke & Alper Maral: fieldrecordings. Brigitta Assheuer: voice.
2LP 2019 – Edition Telemark 903-04 (edition of 300 copies)
   Inge Salcher & Carmen Nagel-Berninger | Duos auf Präparierten Instrumenten

4. 10. November 2010. 5:22
5. 10. November 2010. 9:19
6. 2. Dezember 2010. 8:11
7. 11. Dezember 2010. 5:53
8. 24. August 2018. 7:52
9. 24. August 2018. 10:05
Inge Salcher: prepared flugelhorn. Carmen Nagel-Berninger: prepared viola.
LP 2019 – Edition Telemark 903-05 (edition of 300 copies)
   Kparr Dirè | Balafon Music From Lobi Country

10. Bissan ke (Gopèr). 8:38
Da Dakorè. Da Somé Christian. Da Tangba. Da Toh Alain dit Martin Kensiè: percussion.
11. Koundour (Lèr). 12:12
Da Bèbè Aimé. Da Somé Christian. Martin Kensiè: percussion.
12. A Bimbina 1 (Lèr). 7:19
Palé Goukoun: percussion.
13. Bamba (Binkontina). 21:55
Colette. Da Dakorè. Da Somé Christian. Da Tangba. Martin Kensiè: percussion.
14. A Bimbina 2 (Lèr). 5:06
Palé Goukoun: percussion.
LP 2020 – Edition Telemark 903.06 (edition of 300 copies)
    Schlangenfeuer MND | Freedom Suite

15. Freedom Suite I. Rhythm. 23:43
16. Freedom Suite II. Oboe d’amore – Die Sängerinnen.  23:12
17. Freedom Suite III. Drums. 23:03
18. Freedom Suite IV. Freedom. 19:59
MND|Schlangenfeuer: Rita Eisbrenner, Elke Lixfeld: voice. Norbert Eisbrenner: guitar. Peter Dyck: cello. Werner Götz: bass, altviool. Boris Schaak: voice, percussion. Sven-Åke Johansson: drums, oebo d’amore.
2LP 2020 – Edition Telemark 903-07 (edition of 300 copies)
    Sven-Åke Johansson | Seewetter

19. 1. Seewarnnachrichten. 1:48
20. 2. Seewetterbericht. 3:25
21. 3. Seewetterbericht. 2:04
22. 4. Seewetterbericht. 4:54
23. 5. Seewarnnachrichten. 7:45
Sven-Åke Johansson: tape.
LP 2020 – Edition Telemark 903-08 (edition of 300 copies)
All further information can be found on

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