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The Night: Contemporary Music

Contemporary Music Night #59 – Moving Furniture Records # 7.
The two-weekly Contemporary Music Night on Concertzender with tonight the Seventh of an about Fifteen episode series with all the published records of the Moving Furniture Records label, run by Sietse van Erve, in chronological order from 2008 till now.

   Orphax | 2.20

1. 20.2 (#2). 10:00
2. 2.20. 20:00
Orphax = Sietse van Erve: producer.
CD 2017 – Moving Furniture Records MFR040 (edition of 500 copies)
   Orphax & Machinefabriek | Weerkaatsing

3. Spiegeling. 10:04
4. Weerkaatsing. 13:43
5. Reflectie. 19:34
Orphax = Sietse van Erve & Machinefabriek = Rutger Zuydervelt: producer.
CD 2017 – Moving Furniture Records MFR041 (edition of 300 copies)
   Haarvöl | Bombinate

6. Senescência. 10:20
7. Angst (After Future, The Past). 9:59
8. Paura (a Tonino G.). 7:31
9. A Remake Of Ourselves (for Bas Jan Ader). 8:56
10. An Eldritch Floor. 9:06
11. Peur (Presque Silence). 8:19
Haarvöl = Fernando José Pereira. João Faria. Rui Manuel Vieira: producer.
CD 2017 – Moving Furniture Records MFR042 (edition of 200 copies)
   Jean-Luc Guionnet & Miguel A. García | Parkustomnie

12. Jollus. 15:11
13. Belloopythors. 22:18
Jean-Luc Guionnet: organ. Miguel A. García: producer.
CD 2017 – Moving Furniture Records MFR043 (edition of 200 copies)
   Frank Crijns | Shade Of Impulse

14. 1. 11:47
15. 2. 4:18
16. 3. 4:00
17. 4. 5:00
18. 5. 10:31
Frank Crijns: producer.
CD 2017 – Moving Furniture Records MFR044 (edition of 200 copies)
   Tasos Stamou | Caveman

19. Neanderthal. 14:47
20. Homo Sapiens. 18:41
Tasos Stamou: producer.
LP 2018 – Moving Furniture Records MFR045 (edition of 300 copies)

  + hsh”]
21. dp[a] 1_v2.35. 4:02
22. dp[a] 2_v2.35. 4:54
23. dp[a] 3_v3.38. 4:03
24. dp[a]4_v2.71. 5:47
25. hsh 1_v2.51. 6:28
26. hsh 2-3_excerpt. 11:28
Gagi Petrovic: producer.
CD 2017 – Moving Furniture Records MFR046 (edition of 200 copies)
   Distorted Nude | The Sprawl

 27. The Sprawl (#1). 23:20
Distorted Nude = Glenn Dick: producer.
CD 2017 – Moving Furniture Records MFR047 (edition of 200 copies)
All further information can be found on

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