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The Night: Classical

Recent CD releases.

Works of Bach, Dowland, Byrd, and Johnson.

03:00 Johann Sebastian Bach. Gamba sonatas: 1. Sonata in G major, BWV 1027.
2. Sonata in D major, BWV 1028. 3. Sonata in G minor, BWV 1029.
Paul Tortelier, cello [photo]. Robert Veyron-Lacroix, harpsichord.

03:50 Elizabethan ballads and Theatre music.
The Musicians of Swanne Alley.

04:55 Madrigals and Theatre music, works of John Dowland & William Byrd.
1. John Dowland. The First Booke of Songs. 2. William Byrd. Songs of Sundrie Natures.
3. Robert Johnson. The Tempest.
The Hilliard Ensemble. London Baroque conducted by Paul Hillier.

05.45 Johann Sebastian Bach. Köthener Trauermusik, BWV 244a.
Ensemble Pygmalion conducted by Raphael Pichon.

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