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The Night: Classical

Recent CD releases.

Works of Brahms, Ponchiello, Marischal, Morton Gould [see photo], Stamitz, Venturi & Bach.

03.00 Freddy Arteel and Friends, A retrospective, works of
Johannes Brahms, Amilcare Ponchiello, Louis Marischal and, among others, Carl Stamitz. Clarinet Quartet, Opus 19 no. 2 & Morton Gould [see photo]. Derivation for Clarinet solo and Jazz Orchestra.
Freddy Arteel, clarinet & Friends, BRT Jazzband & Bigband conducted by Frederik Devreese.

04.10 Daniele Venturi. a. Quattro lembi di cielo. b. Tratti sospesi.
Paola Perrucci, harp. Raffaello Negri, violin. Duo Novacembalo,
Ensemble vocale Arsarmonica & Duo Dissonance.

05:30 Johannes Brahms. 1. Clarintet sonatas 1 & 2. 2. Clarinet trio, Opus 114.
Sharon Kam, clarinet. Martin Helmchen, piano. Assisted by Gustav Rivinius, cello.

06.35 Johann Sebastian Bach.
1. Prelude and fuga no. 13 in F-sharp major, BWV 858. 2. French Suite no. 5 in G major, BWV 816.
Jeffrey Biegel, Steinway grand [see picture below].


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