The Night: Classical | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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The Night: Classical

Works by Bruckner, Pfitzner, De Boeck [picture], Stenhammar, Villa-Lobos, Shostakovich.


03:00 Anton Bruckner. Symphony No. 9 in D minor,
with version of the finale by Samale/Philips/Cohrs and Mazzuca.
Berliner Philhamoniker conducted by Sir Simon Rattle.

04:20 Hans Pfitzner. Cello sonata in F-sharp minor, Op. 1.
Quirine Viersen, cello. Silke Avenhaus, piano.

04:50 August de Boeck [picture].
Liederen uit ‘Een boeket met Franse- en Vlaamse liederen’.
Liesbeth Devos, sopraan. Jozef de Beenhouwer, piano.

05:25  Wilhelm Stenhammar. Piano sonata, Op. 12.
Cassandra Wyss, piano.

05:50 Heitor Villa-Lobos. Symphony No. 7 (1945).
São Paulo Symphony Orchestra conducted by Isaac Karabtchevsky.

06:30 Dmitri Shostakovich. Piano trio No. 2 in E minor, Op. 67.
Boulanger Trio.


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