The Night: Classical | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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The Night: Classical

Works by Yagisawa, Cassado, Granados, Falla, Britten, Andres, Thomas, Creeggan, Lizotte, Eric Clapton, Respighi & Musique Basque.

01:00 Satoshi Yagisawa.  Symphonic Episode 1.
Nagoya University of Arts Wind Orchestra & The Johan Willem Friso Military Band led by Satoshi Yagisawa.

02:20  Works for cello and guitar from Cassado, Granados and Manuel de Falla.
Anne Gastinel, cello. Pablo Marquez, guitar.

03:40 Benjamin Britten.
1. The holy sonnets of John Donne, opus 35.   2. Drie Purcell songs, arr. Britten.
3. Winter Words, opus 52.   4. Folksong arrangements.
Mark Padmore, tenor. Roger Vignoles, piano.

04:50 Works for 2 harps from Andres, Thomas, Creeggan, Lizotte, Eric Clapton and Respighi.
Jennifer Swartz and Lori Gemmell, harp.

06:00 Musique Basque, for Txistu (basque flute) and organ: Le sommeil de l’Ange.
Sergio Torices Roldanb, txistu. Jesus Martin Moro, organ.


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