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The Night: Classical

Recent CD releases, with works of Gurdjieff, Mompou, Jorrit Tamminga & Erik Bosgraaf, Schulhoff, Dvorak, Kancheli, Schubert, Nielsen, Hillborg, Rehnqvist,
Beaser, Copland, Muczynski & Lowell Liebermann.

00:00 Works for cello en piano by Gurdjieff & Mompou. With George I. Gurdjieff and others. Three works & Federico Mompou. Two pieces.
Anja Lechner, cello. François Couturier, piano.
00:25 1. Jorrit Tamminga & Erik Bosgraaf. Two dialogues.
2. Pierre Boulez. Dialogue de l’ombre double.
Erik Bosgraaf, recorder.
Jorrit Tamminga, electronics.
00:50 Johannes Brahms. Romanzen aus Ludwig Tieck’s Magelone.
Christopher Maltman, baritone.
Graham Johnson, piano.
01:50 The CD ‘Cesko’ of the Ragazze Quartet.
1. Erwin Schulhoff. String quartet no. 1.
2. Antonin Dvorak. String quartet no. 13 in G, opus 106.
3. Erwin Schulhoff. Esquisses de Jazz.
Ragazze Quartet.
02:55 Giya Kancheli. Rag-gidon-time.
Goeyvaerts String Trio.
03:15 Elly Ameling sings Schubert:  Im Frühling and more, D.882 & An die entfernte, D.765.
Elly Ameling, soprano. Rudolf Jansen, piano.
03:50 Carl Nielsen (1865-1931).
1. Symphony no. 1 in G, opus 7.
2. Symphony no. 3,   opus 27 ‘Sinfonia Espansiva’.
Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Sakari Oramo.
05:00 1. Anders Hillborg (born in 1954). Clarinet concert ‘Peacock Tales’. 2. Karin Rehnqvist (born in 1957). On a distant shore.
Martin Fröst, clarinet.
Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra conducted by Esa-Pekka Salonen (1),
Swedish Chamber Orchestra condcuted by Petter Sundkvist (2).
05:45  The CD ‘American Tapestry’ with duos for flute and piano: 1. Robert Beaser. Variations for flute and piano.
2. Aaron Copland. Duo.
3. Robert Muczynski. Sonata, opus 14.
4. Lowell Liebermann. Sonata, opus 23.
Susan Rotholz, flute. Margaret Kampmeier, piano.

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