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The Night: Classical

Recent CD releases. Works of Torroba, Granados, Falla, Albeniz, Pujol, Rodrigo, Brahms, Ponchillo, Mrischal, Gould, Stamitz, Venturi & Haydn.

00:00 Evocaciones de España, works for cello and guitar by Torroba, Granados, Falla, Albeniz, Pujol and Rodrigo.
The Jones & Maruri cello-guitar duo.
01:20 The CD Restored, Returned van het
Tord Gustavson Ensemble.
02:10 The CD Farlibt, Jewish love songs performed by the group Gefilte Fish.
03:20 Freddy Arteel and Friends, A retrospective.
Works of Johannes Brahms, Amilcare Ponchiello, Louis Marischal, Morton Gould and Carl Stamitz. Freddy Arteel, clarinet & Friends, inlcuding the BRT Jazzband & Bigband conducted by Frederik Devreese.
04:30 Daniele Venturi.
1. Quattro lembi di cielo. 2. Tratti sospesi.
Paola Perrucci, harp. Raffaello Negri, violin.
Duo Novacembalo,
Ensemble vocale Arsarmonica and Duo Dissonance.
05:50 Joseph Haydn. Three London Symphonies
1. Symphony no. 96 in D ‘Miracle’.
2. Symphony no. 95 in c.
3. Symphony no. 93 in D.
Les Musiciens du Louvre conducted by Marc Minkowski live at the Wiener Konzerthaus.

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