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The Musician

thu 27 sep 2018 14:00 hour

Music for Leisure

World Music Concours, Kerkrade, The Netherlands, with 4 orchestras, in 1993:: the Roman Catholic Gildenbondharmonie from Boxtel, the Royal Harmony from Thorn, the Royal Harmony St Caecilia from Eijsden and Harmony Orchestra St Michael from Thorn.

In 1993, the 12th edition of the WMC took place. 25 new compositions were written for the world’s most famous international festival of wind music.
Another theme for this episode is: American composers, born and raised in America or a foreigner living in America. 

1.  Roger Nixon (1921-2009) – Fiesta del Pacifico (1960)

The RC Gildenbondsharmonie, Boxtel led by Frenk Rouschop

2. Alfred Reed (1921-2005) – 4th Symphony (1992)

Royal HArmony of Thorn led by Jan Cober

3. Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971) – Scherzo à la Russe (1944)

Royal Harmony St Caecilia, Eijsden led by Alex Schillings

Edgar Varèse (1885-1965) arr. Heinz Friesen – Amériques (1918-1921)

Harmony Orchestra Sint Michael, Thorn led by Heinz Friesen

Mirasound 399154 WMC 1993

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