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The Musician

thu 18 jan 2018 14:00 hour

Music for Leisure.

Two Concertzender Recordings:
Gregorian Choir Utrecht in the Pieterskerk in Utrecht with a programme around Pentecost and
Upcoming talent of the Trombone classes of the conservatories in Rotterdam and The Hague.


1. Anonymous – communio: Factus est Repente

2. Offertorium: Benedicite gentes

3. Communio: Non vos relinquam orphanus

4. Offertorium: Ascendit Deus

5. Herman Strategier – Missa Ultima: Kyrie

Paul van der Woude, organ

6. Lecture Homilie of pope Gregorius (part 1)

7. Responsorium: Repleti sunt omnes

8. Lecture Homilie of pope Gregorius (part 2)

9. Antiphone: Factus est repente

Gregorian Choir Utrecht conducted by Anthony Zielhorst

Pieterskerk Utrecht, 2 June 2017. Technique: Theo van Soest

10. Gordon Jacob – Octet

11. Alexander Verbeek – Trashin the Camp

Trombone class Rotterdam

12. Anton Bruckner / arr. Rose McKinney – Mass no. 2 in E: Kyrie

13. Peter Warlock / arr. A. Poirier – Capriol Suite

Trombone class Den Haag

De Doelen, 29 March 2013. Technique: Cees Sterrenburg.


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