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The Musician

thu 5 oct 2017 14:00 hour

Music in leisure time. This time a feature for composer Jan van Dijk, the carilloneur, and especially music for winds combined with other ensembles. Royal Wind Orchestra Orpheus from the city of Tilburg will celebrate its 150th anniversary by a special concert next Saturday. The orchestra will play together with the carilloneur of the Heikese Kerk in Tilburg. The Concertzender will record this concert and broadcast it at a later date.

1. Jan van Dijk (1918-2016) – Concerto for pianola and orchestra

Amsterdams Philharmoc Orchestra conducted by Anton Kersjes and Jan Bouman, pianola.

Recorded by Concertzender at the Concertgebouw Amsterdam 16 December 1984.

2. Jacques Maassen (1947-2012) – Fanfare 2000

Jacques Maassen, carillon. Torenblazers Breda.

3. Wim Franken (1922-2012) – Torenmuziek V: Echo

Jacques Maassen, Paul Maassen, carillon. Torenblazers Breda.

4. Daan Manneke (1939) – Mundus (1995)

Netherlands Radio Choir and brass ensemble conducted by Jos Vermunt.




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