The Last Century | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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The Last Century

wed 8 may 2024 19:00 hour

In memoriam Peter Eötvös, the conductor (2)

On 24 March 2024, Hungarian composer and conductor Peter Eötvös passed away. He was one of the most renowned and inflencial musicians of this time. During this episode The Last Century as well as the previous episode, we focus on Eötvös’ accomplishments as a conductor. Erik Voermans will focus on Eötvös’ accomplishments as a composer during the programme: Contemporary Music.




  1. Zoltán Jeney: Spaziosa calma.
    Luisa Castellani (soprano), Asko Ensemble conducted by Peter Eötvös
  2. Béla Bartók: Concerto for violin and orchestra no.2 (1938)
    Patricia Kopatchinskaja (violin), Radio-Sinfonie-Orchester Frankfurt conducted by Peter Eötvös
  3. Peter Eötvös: Un taxi l’attend, mais Tchékhov préfère aller à pied
    Benjamin Kobler (piano)


Picture Peter Eötvös: © Daniel Dittus

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