The Last Century | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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The Last Century

wed 6 mar 2024 19:00 hour

The guitar in the previous century.  Malcolm Arnold (1921-2006)

Monthly series with guitar music from the previous century, featuring a different guitar concert each month. Today: guitar music by British composer Malcolm Arnold. Arnold became famous for his music for the movie The Bridhe on the River Kwai. He also wrote a number of classical pieces, among which three pieces for guitar. In 1955 he wrote Serenade for guitar and strings for British guitarist Julian Bream. Bream loved this so much, he repeatedly asked him for a guitar concerto. This concerto finally came into existence in 1959. Arnold also wrote Fantasy for guitar solo. In this piece, a wide array of classical guitar techniques are showcased.


Program details

1. Malcolm Arnold. ‘General Bogey March’, from The Bridge on the River Kwai.

Philip Jones Brass Ensemble conducted by Elgar Howarth.

2. Malcolm Arnold. Fantasy for guitar solo.

Dejan Ivanovic, guitar.

3. Malcom Arnold. Guitar Concerto.

Julian Bream, guitar. Melos Ensemble conducted by Malcolm Arnold.

4. William Walton. Bagatelles no. 1-4, dedicated to Malcolm Arnold.

Sharon Isbin, guitar.

5. Malcolm Arnold. Serenade for guitar and strings (arr.).

Arnhilt Kaps, guitar. Berliner Gitarrenensemble conducted by Hans Joachim Kaps.


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