The Last Century | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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The Last Century

tue 18 dec 2018 20:00 hour

Igor Stravinsky. XXVIII

Igor Stravinsky / (text written by) Charles Ferdinand Ramuz

Histoire du soldat (1919)

narrator: Jean Cocteau

the devil: Peter Ustinov

the soldier: Jean-Marie Fertey

de princess: Anne Tonietti

Ulysse Delécluse, clarinet

Henri Helaerts, bassoon

Maurice André, trumpet

Roland Schnorkh, trombone

Charles Peschier, percussion

Manoug Parikian, violin

Jochim Gut, double bass

Igor Markevitch, conductor.

Universal 00028942077324, Philips 420 773-2


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