The Last Century | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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The Last Century

In this Last Century another episode of ‘De Langste Adem’. Contemporary music for the wind instrument with the longest breath of all: the organ.


 Recital Kerry Beaumont, part 1

An organ recital from 2012, with music of James MacMillan, William Mathias, Philip Wilby and Simon Preston.

Kerry Beaumont, organ (Harrison)
Coventry Cathedral | Coventry (GB)


 Gunther Schuller – Concert for organ and orchestra

Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra
Mario Bernardi, conductor
James Diaz, organ (Casavantes Frères)
Jack Singer Concert Hall | Calgary, Canada


 Recital Kerry Beaumont, part 2

An organ recital from 2012, with music of Philip Moore, David Bedford, Judith Bingham and John Casken.

Kerry Beaumont, organ (Harrison)
Coventry Cathedral | Coventry (GB)


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