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The Early World

sat 2 mar 2019 07:00 hour

Music from the Czech Republic: Tara Fuki, and the Jitka Šuranská Trio .


The Best of
– Tara Fuki.

A compilation album by the European Czech duo Tara Fuki, collected from previous albums with the exception of a previously unreleased track. The sound of the group is difficult to categorize. It is characterized by the remarkable sound of two cellos and vocals in which elements of classical chamber music, jazz and Eastern European folk music can be found. Tara Fuki consists of classically trained cellists and vocalists Andrea Konstankiewicz (Poland) and Dorota Barova (Czech Republic). CD. The Best of – Tara Fuki. Label: Indies Scope (2015), code: MAM 562-2  |  met dank aan: Muziekweb  |   Video

Beránci a vlci
(Rams and Wolves) – Jitka Šuranská Trio.

Mariana Friedl is the writer, producer and director of this project album, based on the folk music of East Moravia (Czech Republic). The album Rams and Wolves contains original folk songs and Friedlová songs and is performed by the Trio Jitka Šuranský, accompanied by the ‘Women’s Choir of Kudlovice’ and the ‘Association of Independent Jazzmen’. In 2017, the album Rams and Wolves was awarded the ‘Czech Academy of Music Angel’ 2017 in the folk category. CD. Beránci a vlci – Jitka Šuranská Trio. Label: Indies Scope (2016), code : MAM575-2  |  XANGO music  |  Video

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