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The Early Garden

One hour of browsing through early music, with an accent on Masses. Today’s episode is dedicated to Margaret of Austria. She was regent of the Habsburg Netherlands from 1507 until her death, and Pierre de La Rue was her favourite composer.

Margaret of Austria (1480-1530) was intellectually and artistically gifted and brought many painters and musicians to her court in Mechelen. Her favourite composer Pierre de La Rue wrote many chansons for her, which have been preserved in various collections, which also include other prominent composers of the time.
A number of those chansons can be heard on this broadcast.


Pierre de La Rue (ca. 1460-1518)
1. Pourquoy tant me fault il attendre
2. Tous les regretz
3. Pour ce que je suis
4. De l’oeuil de la fille du roy
Corvina Consort olv. Zoltán Kalmanovits
(CD: “Chansons from the Album of Marguerite of Austria” – Hungaroton HCD 32018, 2001)

Alexander Agricola (ca. 1445-1506)
5. Tout a pour moy

Pierre de La Rue
6. Il viendra le jour desire
7. Puisque je suis hors du compte

8. Amours mon fait

Johannes Ghiselin (ca. 1455-1511)
9. Fors seulement

Pierre de La Rue
10. Fors seulement

Matthaeus Pipelare (ca. 1450-1515)
11. Fors seulement

Johannes Ockeghem (ca. 1420-1497)
12. Fors seulement
Dorothee Mields, soprano. Boreas Quartett Bremen
(CD: “Basevi Codex – Music at the Court of Margaret of Austria” – Audite 97783, 2021)

Ninot le Petit (Active ca. 1500-1520)
13. Mon seul plaisir

14. En doleur, en tristesse

Heinrich Isaac (1450-1517)
15. Et qui la dira

16. Me fauldra il
Peñalosa Ensemble
(CD: “Doleo – Chansons und Motetten für Margarete von Österreich (1480-1530)” – organumclassics Ogm 101066, 2009)

Pierre de La Rue
17. Secretz regretz
Corvina Consort led by Zoltán Kalmanovits
(CD: “Chansons from the Album of Marguerite of Austria” – Hungaroton HCD 32018, 2001)



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