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The Source of Sound

fri 26 jun 2015 21:00 hour
Composer: Anoniem

Episode 3 of The Source of Sound is about the use of trees, plants and seeds as musical instruments.

Karen bamboo zither (photo Fred Gales)

Episode 3 of The Source of Sound is about the use of trees, plants and seeds as musical instruments. Nowadays most musical instruments are still made of natural materials. Usually these materials have been processed intensively, but without these processes or with a simple operation trees and plants are already full of sound. All over the world dried seeds, bamboo tubes, bundles of leaves, sticks, logs, grass stalks and cut cane are used to produce sounds by banging, clapping, rattling and blowing. Mostly rudimentary instruments, sometimes with only one pitch, as you will hear in this episode, but this does not limit the creativity. Even with every person playing just one tone a complicated piece can be produced, by using variations in timbre and by working together.
1.   Anonymous                                            1’07
      CD  Songs from the uma
      Pan 2111/12 CD 1 – 1
      Mentawai Islands, Sumatra, Indonesia
      Tuned logs
Photo from the cover of Banda Polyphony  
2.   Ebena ka cemato lament                       4’00
      Ongo ensemble
      LP Banda Polyphony, Philips 6586032, Unesco
      series Musical Sources, 1976 
      Banda-Linda, Central African Republic
Six-person ensemble with two bass log horns, 10 tree root horns and en 6 high tuned antelope horns. Every musician plays a tone.

3.   Six women with bamboo tubes of different lenghts.                           1’39
      Ami H’Don, Ami’Yang, Ya H’Nguon, Ya H’Phut,
      Ya H’Riu, Ya Y-Bok
      CD Vietnam anthologie de la musique ede 
      Buda Records 92726-2 
4.   Gie-trieng, Vietnam, 6 meter lange bamboo
      buizen                                               3’08
      Duc Nhay villagers
      CD Music from Vietnam 5 
      Caprice CAP 21674 tr. 16 
5.   The journey                                        4’55    
      Panfluit, losse bamboo buizen en zang,
      waarbij de zangeres afwisselend zingt en de
      bamboo buis aanblaast.        
      The Yuy, Lu Pha, Mee Ei, Messao, Manido,
      Chaw Mu, Kyo Baw, Thi Yo Yi, Yo Mu Wu
      CD Karenni. Pan Records PAN 2040CD
6.   Men’s quartet with seed pod rattles        3’31 
      Kulu (comp.), Gigio, Seyaka, Kogowe
      CD Bosavi, Smithsonian Folkways LC9628, CD2
      Ratels van gedroogde vruchten.
7.   Songs from Maningrida and Cape Stewart
      Unknown probably from the Manjangal.
      CD Songs from the northern territory
      Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres
      Strait Islander Studies. AIAS 5 CD
      Didjeridu plus sticks
08. Asurini klarinetten een toon                  4’46
     Asurini do Trocara 
     CD Asurini & Arara, Ocora C 560084
9.  Trompes tereret                                   4’37    
     CD Asurini & Arara, Ocora C 560084
     Assurini 12 masked voice
10. Yage ceremony                                   3’37
     LP Lowland tribes of Ecuador
     Ethnic Folkways Records FE 4375
     Begin van de Yage ceremonie waarbij de
     sjamaan de geesten aanroept, deelnemers
     commentaar geven op elkaars visie en de
     sjamaan een zieke geneest met tabaksrook en
     zijn bundel bladeren.
11. I semi vegetali                                   5’08
     Walter Maioli (Comp.), Luce Maioli, S.W.
     Nirodh, Asanga 
     MC Srumenti musicali della preistoria il
     paleolitico, Archeosound XA1001
12. Gaw mat                                            6’28
     Ya Bounyeng (comp./uitv.)
     Ethnic minority music from Southern Laos
     Sublime Frequencies, SFO36
     Bamboo cither, waarbij de 5 snaren gevormd
     worden door de huid van de bamboo buis,
     ingesneden en opgelicht met behulp van 2
     kleine stokjes als bruggen.
13. A qi gu                                              2’19    
     Chaming, Minghu, Ladi, Lamiao, Qinei,
     Xiangfei, Xiangdeng
     CD Alili, PAN Records 7012/13 CD 1 
     Blad als kazoo, stemimitatie
14. Swo na drum                                      1’37    
     CD Les Miao et Dong du Guizhou
     Arion ARN 64363                          
     Dubbel riet schalmei, welkomstlied voor de
15. Po ro cha ba                                       3’14
     4 Xo-dang muzikanten van Kontum in Vietnam
     CD Music from Vietnam 5, Caprice CAP 21674.  
     Klong Put. 4 muzikanten zitten voor 6 bamboe
     buizen van verschillende afmetingen en
     klappen hun handen vlak voor de opening van
     de buizen.
16. Groep Txalasparta                                6’45
     Zazpi minute 
     Andoni Aleman, Jesus Arze  (comp/uitv.)
     MC Txalasparta
     Elkar Casettek 118/86  
     Gestemde planken planken, 2 spelers met elk 2
     slagstokken die men laat vallen op de plank.

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