The Piano Etude | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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The Piano Etude

tue 2 jul 2013 19:00 hour

The Piano Etude: from Practice to Art, part XXIII

Continuation of the search of programme maker/presenter Thijs Bonger for  
composers who have written piano etudes.In this episode:
Juliusz Zarebski(1854-1885), Polish piano virtuoso, who has written very original and progressive music. Died at age 31, all promise. 
[Picture: Juliusz & Janina Zarebski]

  1. Zarebski: Etude in f.
  2. Zarebski: Mazurka from opus 16.
  3. Zarebski: Grande Polonaise, opus 6.
  4. Zarebski: Kujawiak from opus16.
  5. Liszt: fragment from Figaro Fantasy. 
  6. Zarebski: part 1 and 2 from opus 13.
  7. Zarebski: scherzo from Piano quintet, opus 34.

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