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The Early World

sat 30 aug 2014 05:00 hour

With CDs from Ireland: The Ultimate Guide to Irish Folk, and the South American/East European folk music from the Dutch Charivari Trio.

The Ultimate Guide to Irish Folk
This album is a lively snapshot of the present Irish folk music. You will hear influential musicians who have dominated the scene since the 1960s. But also a couple of new talents who have respect for the musical tradition and add new elements to it. CD: ‘The Ultimate Guide to Irish Folk.’ Label: Arc Music (2014), code: EUCD 2484 (2 CDs).

Charivari Trio
Charivari trio.jpgThe Charivari trio sing and play violin, accordion and double bass music from Romania to Venezuela. Unique arrangements of authentic South American and East European folk music are alternated with own compositions, Cuban funeral dances are mixed with new Dutch gypsy music and Romanian drinking songs. 
CD: ‘Mar de Leche’ of the Charivari Trio. Label: Xango Music (2014), code: CHV2014.

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