No.81: Music from the fallow grounds of independent and alternative blues, folk and pop labels.
Terra Incognita is a programme with atmosphere, and with varied contemporary music of musicians who are hardly ever played on Dutch radio.
A voyage of discovery for curious music lovers with wide interests. Relax and discover splendour.
Episode 81.
Once again, we forage all over Terra Incognita of the small and independent record labels in all sorts of countries for one hour. Mostly unknown artists lend colour to this evening programme full of atmosphere: contemporary, full of passion and often with poetic texts.
In this musical landscape, we meet Lali Puna, Bertrand Belin, Lynne Hanson, Human Bell and Eefje de Visser.

Eefje de Visser
1. Lali Puna
Come Out Your House, 04:01
Two Windows
Morr Music, 2017
Pathway 1: 05:19
2. Betrand Belin
Grand Duc, 02:36
Persona (Nouvelle édition)
Cinq 7, 2019
3. Chloe Foy
Never Be the Same Again, 03:09
AntiFragile Music, 2019
4. The Furrow Collective
Chuir M’Athair Mise dhan Taigh Charraideach, 02:35
Wild Hog
Hudson Records, 2016
5. Laura Marling
Devil’s Resting Place, 03:14
Once I Was An Eagle
Ribbon Music, 2013
Pathway 2: 17:06
6. Other Lives
Reconfiguration, 03:27
Play It Again Sam, 2015
7. Sutari
Kośniczki, 04:34
AAUU records, 2020
8. Lynne Hanson
Just Words, 04:13
Just Words
Lynne Hanson, 2020
Pathway 3: 29:32
9. Malcolm Holcombe
It Is What It Is, 05:01
Come Hell Or High Water
Gypsy Eyes Music, 2018
10. Human Bell
Splendor and Concealment, 05:20
Human Bell
Thrill Jockey Records, 2008
11. Adna
Beautiful Hell, 02:56
Despotz Records, 2015
Pathway 4: 43:09
12. Peter Bradley Adams
Lorraine, 04:34
Peter Bradley Adams, 2017
13. Cosmo Sheldrake
Nightingale Wake Up Call Part 1, 02:41
Cephalopod Records, 2020
14. Jocelyn Pook
Romeo And Juliet, 05:12
Virgin Records, 1999
15. Eefje de Visser 56:45
Nu Af Aan, 02:45
Het Is
Eefjes Platenmaatschappijtje, 2013
Terra Incognita is broadcast every third and fourth Thursday of the month at 10 pm. Should you want to respond, please send an email to: