Music from the fallow grounds of independent and alternative blues, folk and pop labels.
Terra Incognita is an atmospheric programme with varied, contemporary music from musicians which you seldomly or never hear on Dutch radio.
A discovery journey for the curious music lover with a broad interest. Relax the Ear and discover the Glory!
Episode 52.
Fifteen atmospheric tracks from the small, independent studios around the globe. Discover new names to enrich your summer. In the trails we meet with Skator, Sarah Parkman, Hard Working Americans and Brent Cobb a.o. We close with the legendary band Gentle Giant with the ear-caressing ‘Aspirations’.

Sarah Parkman
1. Sarah Lenka
Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around, 03:55
Women’s Legacy
Musique Sauvage, 2019
trail 1: 05:10
2. Skator
Sjöjungfru, 04:38
Vita Kalla
Teg Publishing, 3013
3. Rozi Plain
Conditions, 04:09
Memphis Industries, 2019
4. Orso Jesenska
Effacer la Mer, 03:11
Effacer la Mer
03H50 / Musicast, 2017
trail 2: 17:28
5. Westerman
Keep Track, 03:37
Call and Response
Blue Flower Music, 2017
6. Suden Aika
Pakene, paha, 02:07
Laika Records, 2018
7. Dear reader
If Only Is, 03:11
Day Fever
City Slang, 2017
trail 3: 26:54
8. Sarah Parkman
Himmelriket, 04:22
Sarah Parkman skog
Hybris, 2016
9. Jacques Loussier
Aie Pitié De Moi, Ô Seigneur Dieu, 04:02
Beautiful Love
Nagel – Heyer Records, 2019
10. Sarah Parkman
Fädur, 02:26
Sarah Parkman skog
Hybris, 2016
trail 4: 38:32
11. Hard Working Americans
It Runs Together, 03:22
Rest in Chaos
Melvin Records, 2016
12. Oi Va Voi
Adress unknown, 03:49
Memory Drop
V2 Records Benelux, 2018
13. Brent Cobb
Black Crow, 04:30
Elektra records, 2016
14. Olu Dara
Bubber (If Only), 03:04
From Natchez to New York
WEA International, 1998
15. Gentle Giant
Aspirations, 05:21
The Power and the Glory (Remix)
Alucard Publishing, 2014
Terra Incognita is broadcasted every third and fourth Thursday of the month at 22.00 hrs. Would you like to react? Send an e-mail then to: