Sound the Trumpet, Strike the Viol! | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Sound the Trumpet, Strike the Viol!

sun 21 apr 2024 11:00 hour

Early Music expert Kees Koudstaal serves up the most wonderful and recent classical and Early Music CDs. This episode features new CDs by the Sollazzo Ensemble, tenor Ricardo Pisani, harpsichordist Benjamin Alard, Arte dei Suonatori and pianist Petra Somlai.

Anonynoum (15th century)
1. ‘Si vous voullez’
2. ‘Aime qui vouldra’
Performed by: Sollazzo Ensemble conducted by Anna Danilevskaya
(CD: ‘Leuven Chansonnier 3 & 4’, Passacaille PAS 1146, 2024)

3. Orazio Michi (1595-1641)
– ‘Or, che la notte del silentio amica’
4. Giovan Carlo Rossi (1617-1693)
-‘Vanne mio core alle stelle’
Performed by: Ricardo Pisani, tenor. La Smisuranza
(CD: ‘Harpa Romano’, Arcana A561, 2024)

5. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
– Harpsichord concerto (solo) BWV 984
Performed by: Benjamin Alard, harpsichord
(2-CD: ‘The complete works for keyboard, Vol. 9’, Harmonia Mundi HMM 902472.73, 2024)

6. Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714-1788)
– Symphonies for Hamburg no. 4 in A major
Performed by: Arte dei Suonatori conducted by Marcin Świątkiewicz
(sa-CD: ‘Hamburg Symphonies & Fantasias’, BIS 2459, 2024)

7. Johann Ladislaus Dussek (1760-1812)
– Fortepiano sonata in c minor Op. 35, no. 3, Craw 151
Performed by: Petra Somlai, fortepiano
(CD: ‘Dussek, Sonatas Op. 35 & Op. 69 No. 3’, Brilliant Classics 95981, 2024)

8. Anonymous (15th century)
– ‘La plus dolente’ (Instr.)
Performed by: Sollazzo Ensemble conducted by Anna Danilevskaya
(CD: ‘Leuven Chansonnier 3 & 4’, Passacaille PAS 1146, 2024)

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