Sound the Trumpet, Strike the Viol! | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Sound the Trumpet, Strike the Viol!

Kees Koudstaal, expert on early music, will present you with the best and most recent early- and classical music CDs. Today: new CDs by Juliette de Banes Gardone, I Cavalieri del Cornetto, David Plantier, Van Swieten Society and Eva Zaïck.

1. Giuseppe Porsile (1680-1750)
– Cantate ‘Necessitá di fato’
Uitvoerenden: Juliette de Banes Gardone, mezzosoprano. Bruno Cocset, cello. Paolo Corsi, harpsichord
CD: ‘Alla virtù della Sig. Maria Pignatelli’, Claves, No. 30012 (2020)

2. Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583-1643) / Annibale Gregori (?-1633)
– ‘Capriccio Fra Jacopino sopra l’Aria di Ruggiero’
Performers: I Cavalieri del Cornetto
(CD: ‘Tempesta di passaggi’, Arcana, No. A120, 2021)

3. Giuseppe Tartini (1692-1770)
– Sonata for violin and cello in D Major, Brainard D19
Performers: David Plantier, violin. Annabelle Luis, cello
(CD: ‘Vertigo’, Muso, No. MU-040, 2020)

4. Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
– Piano quartet in C major No. 3 WoO36
Performers: Van Swieten Society
(CD: ‘3 Piano Quartets WoO36’, Brilliant Classics, No. 96214, 2020)

5. George Frideric Handel (1685-1759)
– Aria ‘Agitato da fiere tempeste’ from Riccardo primo, re d’inghilterra
Performers: Eva Zaïcik, mezzosoprano. Le consort
(CD: ‘Royal Handel’, Alpha No. 662, 2020)


Highlighted picture: Eva Zaïcik and Le consort (source of picture: Festival du Forez)

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