Sound the Trumpet, Strike the Viol! | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Sound the Trumpet, Strike the Viol!

sun 16 apr 2017 12:00 hour

Early music expert Kees Koudstaal pulls the most beautiful CDs with early and classical music for you from the shelves of his own CD shop.

1. François Francoeur (1798-1787)
– Violin sonata no. 9 inD minor
Performers: Ensemble Daimonion
(CD: Francoeur Violin Sonatas, Passacaille 1025, 2017)

2. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
– Sonata in G minor, BWV 1001
Performer: William Carter, lute
(CD: Bach Reimagines Bach, Linn CKD 445, 2017)

3. Johann Sebastian Bach
– From Sonata in G minor, BWV 1001: Presto
Performer: Enrico Onofri, violin
(CD: Bach Sonate & Partitas, Passacaille 1021, 2017)

4. Johann Adolf Hasse (1699-1783)
– Cantata ‘La Fiamma che nel seno’
Performers: Filippo Minecca, contratenor. Ensemble Il gioco de’Matti
(CD: Hasse Arcadian Cantatas, Pan Classics PC 10381, 2017)

5. Francis Caporale (1700-1746)
– Cello sonata in A Major
Performers: Kristin von der Goltz, cello. Andreas Küppers, harpsichord
(CD: Raumklang RK 3302, 2017)

More info at the webshop of Prelude Klassieke Muziek.


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