Sound the Trumpet, Strike the Viol! | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Sound the Trumpet, Strike the Viol!

Early music expert Kees Koudstaal pulls the most beautiful CDs with early and classical music for you from the shelves of his own CD shop. This time, new releases of music by Mozart, William Lawes, Johann Sebastian Bach and from pastiche opera Catone.

1. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
– ‘Allegro’, Part 1 of piano concert in A Major, KV 414
Performers: Arthur Schoonderwoerd, fortepiano. Cristofori
(CD Mozart Piano Concertos – Accent ACC 24323, 2017)

2. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
– ‘Rondeau’, part 3 of piano concert in A Major, KV 414
Performers: Veronica Kuijken, fortepiano. La Petite Bande
(CD Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Concertos – Challenge Classics CC 72752, 2017)

3. William Lawes (1603-1645)
– ‘The last Song or Valediction’ (From: The Prince D’Amour)
Performers: Theatre of the Ayre conducted by Elizabeth Kenny
(CD The Masque of Moments – Linn CKD 542, 2017)

4. Nicola Porpora (1686-1768)
– Aria: ‘Non paventa del mar le procelle’ (From: Handels pastiche opera Catone)
5. Leonardo Leo (1694-1744)
– Aria: ‘È follia se nascondete’ (uit Catone)
Performers: Riccardo Novaro, bariton. Lucia Cirillo, sopraan. Auser Musici conducted by Carlo Ipata
(CD Catone – Glossa GCD 923511, 2017)

6. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
– PartsIII & IV from the sonata for harpsichord and violin in A Major, BWV 1015
Performers: Chiara Zanisi, violin. Giulia Nuti, harpsichord
(CD Bach Sei Suonate – Arcana A 426, 2017)

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