Series about and with Catalan gambist and conductor Jordi Savall.
A portrait of the Huelgas Ensemble with conductor Paul Van Nevel. This year, 2021, this Flemish ensemble celebrates its 50th anniversary.

Paul Van Nevel
In those 50 years, the ensemble has become one of the leading performers in the field of music from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
During this programme, through recordings, we present a portrait of the ensemble and its founder and conductor, Paul Van Nevel.
Anonymous from Codex Las Huelgas:
1. Ex illustri
2. Sanctus
(cd: “Codex Las Huelgas: Music from 13th Century Spain” – Sony SK 53 341, 1993)
Johannes Ciconia (ca. 1370-1412)
3. Lizadra donna
4. O Petre Christi
(cd: “Oeuvre intégrale” – Pavane ADW 7345/7, 1997)
Philippus de Monte (1521-1603)
5. In via hac
(cd: “Sacred Music” Sony 88843089382-11, 1978/2014)
Simone de Bonefant (ca. 1500-?)
6. Missa pro mortuis: Introitus Requiem aeternam
(cd: “Missa de mortuis” – Cypres CYP1682, 2020)
Claude Le Jeune (1528/30-1600)
7. Cigne je suis de candeur
(cd: “The Ear of the Huguenots” – deutsche harmonia mundi – 88985411762, 2017)
Cipriano de Rore (1515/16-1565)
8. Se ben il duol
(cd: “Missa Praeter rerum seriem – Madrigaux & Motets” – Harmonia mundi – HMC 901760, 2002)
Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643)
9. Missa In illo tempore: Agnus Dei
(cd: “The mirror of Claudio Monteverdi” – deutsche harmonia mundi – 88875143482, 2016)
Costanzo Festa (ca. 1490-1545)
10. Contrapunto 46
11. Contrapunto 41
(cd: “La Spagna – 32 contrapunti” – Harmonia mundi HMC 801799, 2003)
Huelgas Ensemble conducted by Paul Van Nevel