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Concertzender Naples

Concertzender Naples; during the Early Music Festival 2019, we feature a daily hour of early music from Naples. Early Neapolitan music by the Catalonian gamba player and director Jordi Savall. On Monday 26 August, he will perform at the festival.

During his concert at the Early Music Festival, Jordi Savall will, together with his musicians, return to his roots; in particular to the Renaissance, when Naples was reigned by the Kings of Aragon who also reigned the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, of which Naples was the capital. In this episode, you will enjoy the great cultural and musical climate created by these monarchs.

Dances, love songs and songs of praise; the profane city of Naples from the 15th till the 17th century: “a Paradise inhabited by devils”

1 Zappay
2 Viva, viva rey Ferrando (Canción)
Hayne van Gizeghem (1445-1497?)
3 De tous biens plaine
Antonio Cornazano (1430-1484)/anonymous
4 Figlie Guilielmin (Basse danse)
5 Puis Fortuna
6 Dindiridin (Romance)
Giovanni Domenico del Giovane da Nola (1510-1592)
7 O Dio se vede chiaro (Villanesca)
Francisco de la Torre (ca.1483-ca.1504)
8 Il Re di Spagna (Basse danse – Danza Alta)
Nicolas Gombert (ca.1495-1560)
9 Dezilde al Cavallo (Villancico)
Diego Ortiz (ca.1510-1570)
10 Fantasia I-II “Salve Regina”
Antonio Valente (ca. 1520-1601)
11 Gallarde Napolitana
Hespèrion XX conducted by Jordi Savall
(CD: Music of the Renaissance in Naples, EMI CDC 7 49008 2, 1987)

Antonio de Cabezón (1510-1566)
12 Tiento VIII
13 Quien llamo al partir, partir
14 Tres sobre la alta
15 Tiento IX. Quinto tono
16 Tiento XIII. Fuga a cuatro
Hespèrion XX conducted by Jordi Savall
(CD: Music for the Spanish Kings, Virgin Veritas – 7243 5 61875 2 8, 1984/2011)

Arcangelo Corelli (1653-1713)
17 Follias 1700
Jordi Savall, gamba. Bruno Cocset, bass violin. Michael Behringer, harpsichord

In addition:
Antonio de Cabezón
18 Folia: Para crien crié yo cabellos
(CD: La Folia 1490-1701, Aliavox AV 9805, 1998)


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