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A musical serial 195: Bones

From Skerik’s electronically altered saxophone to deeply quiet ambient by Nunc Stans and Mälaska, and onward to feeling it in the bones with Mark Guiliana.

0. Sensenta Intro #1

1. SKERIK – Messiaen #3
2. SKERIK – Dettmer /
Federico Mosconi – Nel Bosco ascolto i Pensieri /
Hirotaka Shirotsubaki – Speak Slowly
3. Nunc Stans – Launch Sequence /
Five Elements Music – One Sound
4. Mäläskä – Die Morgenlandfahrt
5. Jesse Joyce – Makes You Wonder
6. Orgue Agnès – L’Inalpe
7. Mark Guiliana – Bones



SKERIK: Live at the Chapes vol. 2, 2020, self-released
Federico Mosconi: Colono di Fumo, 2017, KrysaliSound
Hirotaka Shirotsubaki: Slowdance,lowtide, 2020, self-released
Nunc Stans: Orbital Decay, 2020, DataObscura
Five Elements Music: Pictures from Sand: Boiling Line, 2008, Still*Sleep
Mäläskä: First Day of Spring, 2020, Deserted Island Music
Jesse Joyce: The Gentle Hum That Signals, 2016, Organic Industries
Orgue Agnès: A Un Gorge, 2018, Three:Four Records
Mark Guiliana: Beat Music! Beat Music! Beat Music!, 2019, Motéma

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