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A musical serial. Episode 134: Rain in all the familiar places

0. Sensenta Intro #2
1. RemixSample – Ambient Symphonic
2. RemixSample – Digital Analog
3. RemixSample – Running
4. Anders Ilar – Rain In All The Familiar Places
5. Martin Nonstatic – Inside Part I
6. Med Gen – Thallophyta /
Martin Nonstatic – Inside Part II /
Leandro Fresco & Rafael Anton Irisarri – Hay Una Ausencia Perceptible
7. Inanitas – Tuesday Evening (Vertraagd)

RemixSample: Moog Mother 32 songs, 2017, self-released
RemixSample: Mixed Songs, 2017, self-released
Anders Ilar: Full Circle, 2018, A Strangely Isolated Place
Martin Nonstatic: Isolatedmix 59 – Inside, 2015, A Strangely Isolated Place
Med Gen: Brittleroots, 2018, Pantheon
Fresco & Irisarri: La Espera, 2017, A Strangely Isolated Place
Inanitas: The Wandering II compilation, 2015, Silent Season

Sensenta is a programme about long attention spans. Every episode slowly changes hue, and every next episode picks up where the last one left off. This creates a musical serial, a chain of episodes, touching on different genres at it goes. You’re welcome to join in and give us your opinion. Where should this chain go next?

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