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sun 12 nov 2017 19:00 hour

A musical serial. Episode 71: Messiaen Revisited.

Olivier Messiaen’s Quatuor pour le Fin du Temps, the piece he wrote in a prison camp during World War 2. The piece with the two famous Louange’s. In this episode we juxtapose this work with Iav Rouzo’s electronic answer to Messiaen.

00:00 Sensenta intro #11
00:20 Iav Rouzo – Messiaen Revisited: Apokatastasis
06:10 Olivier Messiaen – Quatour Pour La Fin du Temps: II Vocalise pour…
10:56 Olivier Messiaen – Quatour Pour La Fin du Temps: III Abime des Oiseaux
18:53 Olivier Messiaen – Quatour Pour La Fin du Temps: IV Intermède
20:39 Olivier Messiaen – Quatour Pour La Fin du Temps: V Louange à l’èternite…
31:04 Iav Rouzo – Messiaen Revisited: Apokalypsis
52:15 Olivier Messiaen – Quatour Pour La Fin du Temps: VII Louange à l’immortalité…

Quatuor pour la Fin du Temps performed by Osiris Trio.

Sensenta is a programme about long attention spans. Every episode slowly changes hue, and every next episode picks up where the last one left off. This creates a musical serial, a chain of episodes, touching on different genres as it goes. You`re welcome to join in and give us your opinion: Where should this story turn next?

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