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sun 11 jun 2017 19:00 hour

A musical serial. Episode 54: from Kraftwerk 3-D to Murray McNabb.

A few weeks ago Kraftwerk released 3-D (The Catalogue), a box containing live reworks of 8 of their albums. We’ll take the first 25 minutes of this hour to play some of their early electronic works, who came out of the reworks sounding quite refreshed. Trough Laurie Spiegels `70s synthesizer works and Kraftwerk’s early, more guitar-based pieces, we end on the notes of New Zealand keyboard player Murray McNabb.

00:00 Sensenta Intro #1
00:52 Kraftwerk – Kometenmelodie 1, Kometenmelodie 2, Mitternacht, Morgenspaziergang (3-D)
13:07 Kraftwerk – Intermission, News (3-D)
14:43 Kraftwerk – Radioland (3-D)
20:25 Kraftwerk – Radio Stars (3-D) /
Laurie Spiegel – Clockworks / Kraftwerk – Radio Stars
23:29 Kraftwerk – Strom / Spule 4 / Wellenlänge
39:09 Murray McNabb Group – The Other Element /
Laurie Spiegel – Clockworks /
Laurie Spiegel – Wandering in our times
49:51 Murray McNabb Group – Standing Babas

3-D (The Catalogue), 2017 KlingKlang
The Expanding Universe, 2012 Unseen Worlds
Radio-activity, 1975 Capitol
Kraftwerk, 1973 Vertigo
Every Day Is A Beautiful Day, 2014 Sarang Bang

Sensenta is a programme about long attention spans. Every episode slowly changes hue, and every next episode picks up where the last one left off. This a creates a musical serial, a chain of episodes, touching on different genres at it goes. YouÂ’re welcome to join in and give us your opinion. Where should this chain go next? Send us an e-mail at, or follow Sensenta on social media.

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