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sun 4 dec 2016 19:00 hour

A musical serial. Episode 27: Carnatic to electronic percussion (and beyond)


It is mostly intuitive, but Carnatic percussion reminds one of the electronic rhythms made by groups like Autechre. In this episode we stitch these two types of rhythm together. We move from age old rhythmic composition to modern algorhythmic composition. When this episode reaches calmer waters, we meet old friends like Plaid and Plastikman.



00:52 Toby Wren – Ramanaa
04:58 Toby Wren – Prologue
07:16 Toby Wren – Blues for Palghat Raghu (2e deel)
13:25 Autechre – Hidden Track
15:02 Autechre – Under BOAC
20:54 Autechre – Drane 2
30:31 Plaid – Dead Sea
33:59 Harmonia – Holta Polta (Live 1974)
47:47 Plastikman – Passage (out)
49:02 Plastikman – Rekall



The Carnatic Jazz Experiment, 2011, self released

LP5, 1998, Warp Records WARPCD66

Rest Proof Clockwork, 1999, Warp Records WARPCD63

Live 1974, 2007, Grönland Records CDGRON78

Consumed, 1998, Novamute, NOMU65CD

Artifakts (bc), 1998, Novamute, NOMU61CD


Sensenta is a programme about long attention spans. Every episode slowly changes hue, and every next episode picks up where the last one left off. This a creates a musical serial, a chain of episodes, touching on different genres at it goes. You’re welcome to join in and give us your opinion. Where should this chain go next? Send us an e-mail at, or find Sensenta on social media.

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