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Roaming The Renaissance

A special episode around tenor Marco Beasley, who is touring through the Netherlands in October with his show ‘Le strade del cuore’.


From 15 to 23 October, Marco Beasley is singing Italian love songs, acompanied by the lute and guitar.

On the programme are the 15th-century frottole and tarantelle and traditional songs Beasley collected himself while traveling through South Italy.


Read more about this tour here. 


foto: Dries Luyten

foto: Dries Luyten

Giulio Caccini (1551-1618)
1. Amor ch’attendi?
Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643)
2. Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda
Giulio Caccini
3. Ch’io non t’ami, cor mio?
Marco Beasley, tenor. Accordone conducted by Guido Morini, arrangements and harpsichord
(Cypres CYP1645, 2006)


Claudio Saracini (1586-1649)
4. Volo, volo (arr. Hans van der Heide)
Claudio Monteverdi
5. Si dolce é ‘l tormento (arr. Hans van der Heide)
Claudio Saracini
6. Galoppo, galoppo (arr. Hans van der Heide)
Marco Beasley, tenor. Nederlands Blazers Ensemble with cooperation of Guido Morini, harpsichord and organ
(NBE CD002, 2000)


Alessandro Grandi (1586-1630)
7. O beate Hieronime
Giuseppe Giamberti (1600-1662)
8. Virgo prudentissima
Claudio Monteverdi
9. Salve regina
Marco Beasley, tenor. Accordone conducted by Guido Morini, harpsichord and organ
(ALPHA 535, 2013)


Anonymous (South Italy, 15th century)
10. Tarantella del Passariello
11. Su, su leva alza le ciglia
12. Io non compro più speranza
13. Turlurù la capra è moza
Marco Beasley, tenor. Stefano Rocco, arch lute, baroque guitar. Fabio Accurso, lute
(Self-released, 2016)


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