Roaming the Baroque | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Roaming the Baroque

thu 21 may 2015 19:00 hour

Music from the 17th and 18th century. This time Italian music from the late Renaissance and early Baroque.

Giovanni Bassano (c.1558-1617)
1. Frais et gaillard
Giovanni Battista Bovicelli
2. Io son ferito
Antonio de Cabezon
3. Un gay bergier
René Jacobs, altus. Bruce Dickey, cornetto. Aline Parker-Zylberajch, harpsichord. Ensemble conducted by Jordi Savall
Giovanni Bassano
4. Io canterai d’amor
Manuel Rodriguez Coelho
5. Susanne un jour
Francesco Rognoni Taeggio
6. Pulchra es, amica mea
René Jacobs, altus. Aline Parker-Zylberajch, harpsichord. Jordi Savall, viola da gamba
Angelo Notari (1566-1663)
From Prima Musiche nuove (1613):
7. Intenerite voi, lagrime mie
8. Occhi miei
9. Su la riva del Tebro
10. Piangono al pianger mio le fere
The Consort of Musicke conducted by Anthony Rooley
Constanzo Festa (ca.1490-1545)
11. Variations about La Spagna
Huelgas Ensemble conducted by Paul van Nevel

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