Radio Monalisa | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Radio Monalisa

sun 12 jun 2022 17:00 hour

Women composers: classical, jazz and contemporary. Producer and host: Patricia Werner Leanse. Works by Ina Bottelier [in the picture] & Isabella Leonarda.

1. Ina Bottelier (NL, 1943-2022) [in the picture].
a. FĂȘte des Oiseaux (1979), for flute and guitar.
b. 5 Cinquins on poems by Adelaide Crapsey (2010), for voice and accordion.
c. Electrikon (1988), for solo guitar.

2. Isabella Leonarda (Italy, 1620-1704) [image below].
a. Ave suavis dilectio. b. Sonata Duodecima for violin and organ.
c. Beatus Vir. d. Sonata Nona. e. Sonata No. 12.

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