zo 24 jan 2021 12:00 uur
Componisten/uitvoerenden: Anna Pidgorna | Frances White | Grace Williams | Hildegard von Bingen | Leyla McCalla | Margaret Bonds
Vrouwelijke componisten: klassiek, jazz, hedendaags – gekozen en gepresenteerd door Patricia Werner Leanse.
1. Hildegard von Bingen (Germany, 1098-1179). Alleluia, O Virga Mediatrix (1150), chant.
2. Frances White (Maryland, 1960). A flower on the farther side (2010), for four viols and pre-recorded wind and viol sounds.
3. Margaret Bonds (Chicago, 1913-1972). The Negro Speaks of Rivers (1942), for voice and piano.
4. Grace Williams (UK, 1906-1977) [zie foto]. Penillion (1955), for orchestra.
5. Anna Pidgorna (Ukraine, 1985). The Child, Bringer of Light (2012), for solo viola.
6. Leyla McCalla (New York, 1985). From ‘The Capitalist Blues’ (2019): Money is King & Aleppo.