Vrouwelijke componisten: klassiek, jazz, hedendaags – gekozen en gepresenteerd door Patricia Werner Leanse.
1. Rieteke Hölscher (NL, 1969). Il Cibo per la Musica (2017), for Youth Orchestra.
2. Aspasia Nasopoulou (Greece, 1972). Plenitude (2019), for baritone and fortepiano.
3. Kate Moore (UK, 1979) [zie foto]. Beatrice (2019) Piano Concerto.
4. Mel Bonis (France, 1858-1937). Chanson d’amour (1888), art song.
5. Kasia Glowicka (Poland, 1974). Selections from Unknown I live with you (2018): Highways; I Thought It Was a Dream, But When I Woke, I Couldn’t Walk; Daughter, Where Are You.