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Radio Around the Globe

thu 2 mar 2017 18:00 hour
Composer: Jordi Savall

Music in the books of Literary Travel Bookstore Evenaar in Amsterdam. Today ‘Reis naar het noodlot’ by Robert Joost Willink, about a traveller from The Hague, Alexine Tinne (1835-1869), who was the first woman to travel to Europe in the middle of the 19th century, together with her mother, and would go on to visit Egypt in search of the Nile’s origins.

She came from a wealthy, renowned family from The Hague, who had connections at court. Her father had a factory in Africa and often travelled there. And from a young age, Alexine would accompany him. Tourism already existed in those days, but the way Alexine journeyed was unheard of. More were searching for the origins of the Nile.
A huge caravan of up to 20 camels, who not only carried dozens of barrels with food and water, but also boxes with furniture and guns in them. Quite often soldiers would travel with them. All in all, an interesting story.
The music is centered around slave trails with Routes de L’Esclavage by Capella Reial de Catalunya,  Tembembe Ensamble Continuo, Hesperion XXI & 3MA allen conducted by Jordi Svall.
Furthermore, we play music resembling the music of Africa, Portugal, Spain and Latin America in the 15th, and up to the 19th century.
1. Anon. Djonya                                                                                                                1.23
   Performers: Kassyé Mady Diabate, vocals
   Matteo Flecha: La Negrita                                                                                         5.04
   Perfomers: Capella Reial de Catalunya, Hesperion XXI Tembembe Ensemble Continuo.
   Anon: Vida ao Jongo                                                                                                  2.31
   Performers: Maria Juliana Linhares, vocals Zé Luis Nascimento, tambourine
   Anon: Tambalagumba                                                                                               5.10
   Performers: Capella Reial de Catalunya, Hesperion XXI Tembembe Ensemble Continuo.
   Anon: Velo que bonito                                                                                               2.46
   Performers: Ada Coronel, vocals, Hesperion XXI Tembembe Ensemble Continuo.
   Anon. Manden Mandinkadenou (griot)                                                                       4.41
   Performers: Kassyé Mady Diabate, vocals; Mamani Keita, Nana Kouyaté, Tant Kouyaté, choir.
   3MA; Driss El Maloumi, ud; Ballaké Sissoko, kora & Rajeri, valiha &
   Capella Reial de Catalunya,
   Anon. Canto de Guerreiro,                                                                                          3.52
   Performers: Maria Juliana Linhares, vocals; Xavier Diaz-Latorre, guitar,
   Andrew Laurence King, harp
   Anon. Kouroukanfouga ( Mali) ( instr.)                                                                         5.15
   Performers: 3MA; Driss El Maloumi, ud, Ballaké Sissoko, kora & Rajeri, valiha
   Anon: Son de la Tirana: Marquita Maria                                                                     2.55
   Performers: Ada Coronel, vocals Hesperion XXI Tembembe Ensamble Continuo
   Anon: Antonya, Flaciquia, Gasipa                                                                              7.22
   Performers: David Sagastume & Capella Reial de Catalunya, Hesperion XXI
   Anon. Sinanon Saran ( (Song of Griot)                                                                      3.46
   Performers: Kassé Mady Diabaté, vocals; Mamani Keita, Nan Kouyaté, Tanti Kouyaté, vocals.
   3MA, Driss El Maloumi, ud, Ballaké Sissoko, kora  & Rajery,valiha &
   Capella Reial de Catalunya,
   CD Les Routes de L’esclavage, (1444-1888)Alia Vox AVSA 9920
2  Vero ( instr.)    8.37
   Anonyme Madagaskar
   Performers: 3MA; Driss El Malamoumi, vocals  & ud; Ballaké Sissoko, vocals, kora,
   Rajery, vocals and viol
Recording: Willem van Schip
Compilation and host: Agnes van der Veld.
Produced & presented by:
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