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Panorama De Leeuw

Panorama de Leeuw XXX, 3 May 2017: Administrative peak

Thea Derks is following the musical career of Reinbert de Leeuw by means of her biography  Reinbert de Leeuw, mens of melodie.

In 1982, Reinbert de Leeuw reached an administrative peak: founding the Fonds voor de Scheppende Toonkunst (Fund for Creative Music). Years of struggle led to this moment, a struggle that was started in 1964 by Peter Schat and Mischa Mengelberg, who died in March 2017 (Read here a personal in memoriam by Thea Derks in Dutch.)

It wasn’t long before Nico Schuyt and Rob du Bois joined the cause. Just like visual artists and litterateurs, they wanted to be taken seriously and receive steady support from the government. Following the example of the already existing Beeldende Kunstenaars Regeling (Visual Artists Arrangement) and the Fonds voor de Letteren (Dutch Foundation for Literature) they pleaded for a Fonds voor de Scheppende Toonkunst to divide up the subsidies.

The endless tug-of-war between composers and the government heated up when Reinbert de Leeuw became the chairman of Geneco in 1979. He gave one last push and in 1982 the Fonds voor de Scheppende Toonkunst became reality,

 If you purchase the biography using this link de biografie aanschaft, you will support the Concertzender at no extra costs.

1. Misha Mengelberg [see foto]. Concerning a Composers action Danzi Quintet.

2. Peter Schat. Collages for 31-key organ.
Joop van Goozen, 31-key organ.

3. Rob du Bois. A Dog Named Boo.
Herman Brauen, clarinet. Else Krieg, violin. Marja Bon, piano.

4. Tera de Marez Oyens. String Quartet Contrafactus.
Dufy Quartet.

Compiled and hosted by: Thea Derks
Sound engineer: Ger van den Beuken

Produced & presented by:
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