do 8 aug 2019 23:00 uur
Genres: Eigentijdse muziek | Electronic Music | Elektronische muziek | experimentele muziek | network muziek
Componisten/uitvoerenden: Bret Hart | Ditlev Buster
Componisten/uitvoerenden: Bret Hart | Ditlev Buster
Electronic Cottage #9. A selection of highlights from the Electronic Cottage interactive community website. A platform for independent artists, musicians, writers and freethinkers. This hour brings the music of Bret Hart and Ditlev Buster.
Bret Hart:
1. Face Palm. 5:59.
2. The Painted Lady Implodes. 4:00.
3. I Support Little Sneezy Joe. 6:55.
4. That’s What She Said. 7:02.
5. Turtles All The Way Down. 6:06.
6. Dance Of The Eternal Polyp. 3:50.
7. Peter Punkinhead. 3:05.
Visit the Electronic Cottage website with the contributions of Bret Hart.
Ditlev Buster:
8. In America Job Quits You. 24:05.
Visit the Electronic Cottage website with the contributions of Ditlev Buster.