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thu 8 dec 2016 23:00 hour

Music from the English free-jazz and impro-label Leo Records. With music by Trio Kimmig-Studer-Zimmerlin and John Butcher, Elisabeth Coudoux and Simon Nabatov.

1.    Trio Kimmig-Studer-Zimmerlin and John Butcher. A Short Night. 17:19. Album: Raw. CD LR 766.
2.    Simon Nabatov. Sunrise Twice Redux. 14:21. Album: Monk ā€˜Nā€™ More. CD LR 780.
3.    Elisabeth Coudoux. In A Swaying Ship. 5:57. CD LR 777.
4.    Trio Kimmig-Studer-Zimmerlin and John Butcher. Morning Star Shining. 15:13. Album: Raw. CD LR 766.
5.    Simon Nabatov. Electroacoustic Extension 3. 5:06. Album: Monk ā€˜Nā€™ More. CD LR 780.
6.    Elisabeth Coudoux. Whitin The Sounding Body. 3:31. CD LR 777.

Check the website of Leo Records.

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