Early music played on authentic organs, compiled by Hans Beek. In the 86th episode of Organ Work we remain in the German town Weener. On 3 February 2019 Martin Böcker gave a recital on the organ of the Georgs-Kirche.
You will hear a recording of one of the Sunday afternoon concerts played on the Schnitger-organ, which take place in Weener every first Sunday of the month. Organ builder Arp Schnitger died 300 years ago, and his work is celebrated extensively in Groningen. You can find more information on this site.
Vincent Lübeck (1654-1740)
1. Preambulum in G-Dur
Georg Böhm (1661-1733)
2. Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr
Camphuyzen Manuscript (1652)
3. Godt schiep den Mens vol Eere
Anthoni van Noordt (1625-1675)
4. Psalm 24
John Blow (1649-1708)
5. Verse for the double organ
6. Voluntary for single organ
Frei Roque Conceição (fl. ca. 1659)
7. Obra de 1° tono
Martin y Coll (1650-1734)
8. Differencias sobre la gayta
9. Polnische Tänze
Johann Bernhard Bach (1676-1749)
10. Du Friedefürst, Herr Jesu Christ
Martin Böcker, organ of the Georgs-Kirche in Weener
Dietrich Buxtehude
11. Preludium g
Wolfgang Zerer, organ
Pictured: Martin Böcker