Opera in the 20th century | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Opera in the 20th century

The history of twentieth century opera.

2001: we take along some of the fantastic works from 2000. A year in which the production went into overdrive. Although 2001 was a good year too, there were fewer  productions and only a number of them have been released on CD.

In today’s episode parts from:

  • Tobias Picker- Thérèse Raquin
  • Myroslav Skoryk- Moses (Мойсей)


Other opera nd light opera productions from 2001 are:

  • John Adams- El niño
  • Steve Nieve-Welcome to the Voice
  • John Coriglione- Mr. Tambourine man : Seven poems of Bob Dylan
  • Richard Mills- Batavia
  • Jason Kao Hwang- The Floating Box: A Story in Chinatown
  • Chan Ka Nim- Iron Road
  • Sven-David Sandström- Jeppe: The Cruel Comedy
  • Deborah Dratell- Lilith
  • Mo Fan-Thunderstorm (Leiyu (雷雨)
  • Erkki-Sven Tüür- Wallenberg


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