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Nuove Musiche

New CDs with Early Music. This programme will feature two recently released CDs with music by Italian composers. The first CD features music for Vespers by Pietro Paolo Bencini and Alessandro Scarlatti, the second features two violin sonatas by Giuseppe Tartini. Performers include Ensemble Jacques Moderne conducted by Joël Suhubiette and violinist Adrian Chandler.

Pietro Paolo Bencini was in important composers during the first half of the 18th century in Rome. He began making his mark as a composer early on in life: in 1696, when he was just 21, his secular cantatas were already being performed and two years later, his first oratorio. He climbed the career ladder swiftly, eventually becoming Chapel Master at the Cappella Giulia toward the end of his life.

Alessandro Scarlatti alternated between working in Naples and Rome. He is best known for his secular cantatas, and his oratorios are also frequently performed. His religious music is less widely known.

Joël Suhubiette recorded a CD with his Ensemble Jacques Moderne featuring music for the Vespers by both composers. From each of them, we will hear one psalm from the Vespers.

Pietro Paolo Bencini (1675-1755)
1. Beatus vir

Alessandro Scarlatti (1660-1725)
2. Laudate pueri Dominum
Cécile Dibon-Lafarge (2), Juliette Perret (2), Julia Wischniewska (1), soprano. Margot Mellouli, alto (2). Guilhem Terrail, alto. Matthieu Le Levreur, bass. Ensemble Jacques Moderne conducted by Joël Suhubiette
(CD: “Vêpres romaines” – Mirare MIR602, 2023)

The second CD featured today is dedicated to Giuseppe Tartini, one of the greatest violinists of his time. He was a proponent of a ‘natural’ style and often drew inspiration from literature when composing. His work consists primarily of music for his own instrument, including solo concertos and sonatas. The latter are usually accompanied by basso continuo, but for his personal use, he composed sonatas to be played without accompaniment. These can be found in a collection known as the ‘Piccolo Sonata’. British violinist Adrian Chandler recorded a total of six sonatas by Tartini, including the famous ‘Devil’s Trill Sonata’. While that one isn’t featured today, we will hear two others, one with and one without basso continuo.

Giuseppe Tartini (1692-1770)
3. Sonata for violin and basso continuo in D, op. 1,7
4. Sonata VI for violin in e
Adrian Chandler, violin. La Serenissima
(CD: “Diavolo – 6 Violin Sonatas” – Signum Classics SIGCD781, 2023)

Giuseppe Tartini
5. From Sonata for violin and basso continuo in D, op. 1,6: grave
Adrian Chandler, violin. La Serenissima
(CD: see 3-4)

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