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Nuove Musiche

thu 15 dec 2022 19:00 hour

New CDs with Early Music. Attention to two recently released CDs with music for Advent and Christmas: ‘La Notte’ by The Illyria Consort and ‘Johann Kuhnau – Complete Sacred Works VII’ by Opella Musica and camerata lipsiensis olv. Gregor Meyer.

The first CD is devoted to the music of a pastoral nature. In addition to two concertos by Vivaldi, it includes works by composers of the second half of the 17th century from the German language area.

Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber (1644-1704)
1. Sonata Pastorella

Pavel Josef Vejvanovský (c. 1633/39-1693)
2. Sonata Laetitiae

3. Sonata “Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern”.
The Illyria Consort conducted by Bojan Čičić
(CD: “La Notte – Concertos and Pastorales for Christmas Night” – Delphian Records DCD34278, 2022)

The second CD is the seventh volume of the series that CPO has devoted to the complete sacred music of Johann Kuhnau, Bach’s predecessor as Thomas Cantor in Leipzig. Four of the five cantatas on this CD are intended for the Christmas season.

Johann Kuhnau (1660-1722)
4. “Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern”
5. “Das Alte ist vergangen”
Opella Musica and camerata lipsiensis olv. Gregor Meyer
(CD: “Johann Kuhnau – Complete Sacred Works VII” – CPO 555 399-2, 2022)

Gottfried Finger (c. 1655/60-1730)
6. From Pastoralle: allegro – adagio
The Illyria Consort conducted by Bojan Čičić
(CD: see 1-3)

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